Just how safe is directional drilling? As can be expected from the industry, drilling isn’t the safest of professions. Paul McKinney, president and chief safety consultant […]
According to this article from Keystone Energy Tools, oil production and the drilling activities that accompany it is expected to climb in 2018. However, stricter regulations […]
Industrial drilling is a particularly dangerous undertaking, with so many moving parts that can remove fingers, break bones and even cause death. The most dangerous position […]
With South Africa being one of the biggest mining countries on the planet, our many mines feature a vast array of industrial drilling equipment. Underground drilling […]
Blast Hole Drilling. The name renders the process quite self-explanatory but the process is in fact quite meticulous and the geological effects are extraordinary. The aforementioned […]
A crawler carrier is a manual-driven or remote-controlled vehicle used in the drilling industry to transport drilling equipment, personnel and drilling supplies to industrial drilling locations. […]
Contrary to popular belief, diamond core drilling isn’t actually the act of drilling for diamonds. To understand diamond core drilling, one needs to understand what ‘core […]